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Cookie Policy

At Goybo, we use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience and improve our website's functionality. This cookie policy outlines how we use cookies, what types of cookies we use, and how users can manage their cookie preferences.

Types of Cookies: Goybo uses both session and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary and are deleted from your device after you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain on your device for a set period or until you delete them. We also use first-party and third-party cookies to collect information about your browsing behavior and preferences.

Cookie Usage: Cookies are used for various purposes, including but not limited to analyzing website traffic, customizing website content, and serving targeted advertisements. We may also use cookies to remember your preferences and settings, such as language preferences and login information. By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy.

Managing Cookies: Users can manage cookie preferences through their web browser settings. Most web browsers allow you to control cookies through settings or preferences menus, where you can disable or delete cookies. However, please note that disabling or deleting cookies may affect your browsing experience and limit certain features and functionality of the website.

Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns about our cookie policy or cookie usage on our website, please contact us at Your use of constitutes your agreement to this cookie policy. If you do not agree to this cookie policy, please do not use the website.

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