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How do FMCG companies conduct market research? | Goybo

Updated: May 8

Market research serves as the cornerstone of success for FMCG companies, providing valuable insights into consumer preferences, behaviors, and trends. At Goybo, we employ a range of methodologies to conduct comprehensive market research that enables FMCG companies to make informed decisions and drive growth. Here's how Goybo conducts market research for FMCG companies:

1. Quantitative Surveys:

Goybo conducts quantitative surveys to gather large-scale data on consumer preferences, purchasing behaviors, and brand perceptions. Through online surveys, telephone interviews, and face-to-face interactions, we collect quantitative data from representative samples of target consumers, enabling FMCG companies to quantify market trends, measure brand awareness, and assess customer satisfaction levels.

2. Qualitative Focus Groups:

Goybo organizes qualitative focus groups to delve deeper into consumer attitudes, motivations, and perceptions. By bringing together small groups of consumers in facilitated discussions, we uncover rich qualitative insights into product preferences, usage occasions, and unmet needs. Qualitative focus groups provide FMCG companies with nuanced understanding and actionable insights that inform product development, marketing strategies, and brand positioning.

3. In-Depth Interviews:

Goybo conducts in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, including consumers, industry experts, and retail partners, to gain in-depth insights into specific topics or market segments. Through one-on-one interviews, we explore individual perspectives, uncover hidden insights, and capture qualitative data that enriches our understanding of consumer behaviors and market dynamics.

4. Observational Research:

Goybo employs observational research techniques to observe consumer behavior in real-world settings, such as retail environments or home usage contexts. By observing how consumers interact with products, make purchase decisions, and use FMCG products in their daily lives, we gain valuable insights into usability issues, product preferences, and unmet needs, informing product design and marketing strategies.

5. Social Media Listening:

Goybo utilizes social media listening tools to monitor online conversations and sentiment surrounding FMCG brands, products, and trends. By analyzing social media data, including mentions, hashtags, and user-generated content, we uncover valuable insights into consumer preferences, emerging trends, and brand perceptions in real time. Social media listening enables FMCG companies to identify opportunities, address customer concerns, and engage with consumers on digital platforms effectively.

6. Data Analytics and Secondary Research:

Goybo leverages data analytics and secondary research to analyze market trends, competitor strategies, and industry developments. By aggregating and analyzing data from syndicated market research reports, industry databases, and public sources, we provide FMCG companies with valuable insights into market size, growth drivers, and competitive landscape. Data analytics enables FMCG companies to identify opportunities, validate hypotheses, and make data-driven decisions to drive growth and innovation.

7. Cross-Functional Collaboration:

Goybo fosters cross-functional collaboration among internal teams, external partners, and stakeholders to ensure the success of market research initiatives. By involving stakeholders from marketing, product development, sales, and other functions, we ensure alignment of objectives, maximize resource utilization, and facilitate knowledge sharing throughout the market research process.

In summary, Goybo employs a diverse array of methodologies, including quantitative surveys, qualitative focus groups, in-depth interviews, observational research, social media listening, data analytics, and cross-functional collaboration, to conduct comprehensive market research for FMCG companies. By leveraging these methodologies, FMCG companies can gain deep insights into consumer preferences, behaviors, and trends, enabling them to make informed decisions and drive sustainable growth in a rapidly changing marketplace.

CMO at Goybo


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